Whether or not one believes in climate change the fact still remains that the current bushfire situation in Australia is the most devastating and wide-reaching.  While some have indicated that it is a natural cycle in Australia for bushfires, they cannot deny that this one is the biggest.

The effect this has on people, wildlife, firefighters and people living in and out of the bushfire areas is catastrophic. Both people and wildlife have lost their homes and habitat.

Almost 30 people have lost their lives. 2000 homes and properties have been incinerated. Over 500 million animals perished in terror while their habitat has been reduced to smoke and ashes.

There are several fundraisers on social media and it has given an avenue for people from all over the world to donate and assist. I’d like to highlight bushfire appeals for the state of Victoria, which is where Melbourne is located.

If you are so inclined to donate as this will be a worthwhile and selfless distraction from searching for a rental property in Melbourne, please consider these organisations and donate directly to them.

To assist in the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife in Victoria and also to support the rebuilding of animal shelters, please consider Wildlife Victoria.  https://www.wildlifevictoria.org.au/


To support volunteer firefighters, their organisation (Country Fire Authority) and their work in protecting lives and properties at the risk of their own lives and property, please look into CFA. https://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/donate1


To support those who have been displaced by the bushfires in Victoria, Dan Andrews, the premier of the state of Victoria has set up a fund in conjunction with Bendigo Bank. Please look into Community Enterprise Foundation.https://www.communityenterprisefoundation.com.au/make-a-donation/bushfire-disaster-appeal/

  • http://twitter.com/fkplwinneth
  • http://www.linkedin.com/pub/winneth-sotingco/42/b31/68b
  • http://www.facebook.com/finderskeeperspl

Australian firefighters in the midst of a raging bushfire by Paul Nicklen on Instagram